Corporate Bankruptcy

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What we offer

Our corporate solvency and reorganization practice specializes in assisting companies and financial institutions in solving difficult problems in an environment of continually changing laws.

Our experience spans the spectrum of corporate business from forestry to fishing; automotive to aerospace with a particular emphasis on manufacturing.

At S.Funtig & Associates, we draw on the expertise of various individuals and professionals knowledgeable in particular industries.

As an independent financial advisory services firm, we are not burdened with conflict checks to determine whether we are the auditors or advisors to particular companies. S.Funtig & Associates, does not perform audit or accounting functions and therefore does not run into independence problems!!!

Need local financial assistance? Check out our many service locations!

More Information on Corporate Bankruptcy

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3337 Walker Rd, Windsor ON, N8W 3R9


(519) 252-8227


Stephen: [email protected]

Tiara: [email protected]

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